
10. Racketlon Swiss Open / 24.-26. Juni 2016

Auch in diesem Jahr findet traditionell Ende Juni das Racketlon Swiss Open in Schlieren bei Zürich statt. Beim 10-jährigen Jubiläum des Events werden vom 24.-26. Juni Spieler aus dem In- und Ausland erwartet, dabei mischen sich die weltbesten Racketlonspielerinnen und -spieler mit der nationalen Racketlonszene. Bei 21 verschiedenen Kategorien finden sowohl Einsteiger als auch Fortgeschrittene ihre geeignete Kategorie.

Das Turnier startet am Freitag mit Doppelkategorien (erstmals mit Mixed-Doppel B), Seniorenkategorien (erstmals Herren O40) sowie den Junioren u21. Am Samstagmorgen beginnen die restlichen Einzelkategorien. Wie immer sind für Teilnehmer der Einzelkategorien 3 Spiele garantiert, zudem erhält jeder ein Welcome-Present und natürlich das Spaghetti-Dinner. Für Fussballbegeisterte werden EM-Spiele zudem live auf Leinwand übertragen. Anmeldungen sind noch bis am Montag, 13. Juni auf möglich.

Beim Event werden noch Helfer für den Aufbau am Donnerstag, 23. Juni und für den Abbau am Sonntagnachmittag, 26. Juni gesucht, bei Interesse bitte bei Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. melden.

Flyer Racketlon Swiss Open 2016

Swiss success in Turkey

Many First Timers at Turkish Open

Not only did the Winner Events Turkish Open see a couple of First Timeres an own E draw, but it also saw a couple of other first time victories and medals. Benjamin Hampl won his first international World Tour title to become the second ever Swiss winner on the FIR World Tour. Third placed Alexander Barbunopulos took his first international medal in an elite draw and his first victory in men doubles together with Hans Sherpa. For Marcel Weigl it was his first mixed doubles title in his career thanks to Lilian Druve, who also won the women singles draw in the first ever final of Dolunay SoykanSeppo Raiski (+45), Mert Eran Halis (u16), Patrick Gredinger(u13) and Aynur Mutlu (Women B) all took their first victories on the FIR World Tour. The youngest first timer to participate in an World Tour event ever (u13), was the nearly 6-year-old Mattia Reich, son of Marcel Weigl. All results and winners are now online on

turkish open hampl

Topseeded Hampl and Druve with victories

In a very close men elite semifinal Christian Schäfer injured himself in the match against Marcel Weigl and had to retire with a lead during the Squash set. The Swiss could not play for Bronze the next day either. The final between Hampl and Weigl was practically over after a 21-5 for the Swiss in Tabletennis, but the Austrian fought back in Badminton 21-19, but then lost Squash. With only 2 points needed only the sudden rain could have prevented Hamplsfirst victory, but fortunately the points could be played and the match ended. Lilian Druve played her victory home safe before, ending the final against Dolunay before the Tennis. Sister Anneli became third.

Men Doubles draw changed in last second

After a mistake in the seeding was spotted before the draw started them men doubles draw was re-drawn and the Austrian youngsters Alex Barbunopulos and Hans Sherpa took the one time chance for their first World Tour victory beating Emre Ak and Benjamin Hampl in the final. In mixed doubles Marcel Weigl made his first victory perfect with Lilian Druve! Years after he reached his first mixed doubles final with Austrian Uli Steinwender 2004 in Prague. The two beat the tournament organisers Soykan and Korer before the Tennis set.

Best wishes to unlucky newcomer Keskiner

The unluckiest player of the tournament was Seyfi Keskiner, who played his first Racketlon tournament in the men advanced draw. The young turk had great fun, but unfortunately broke his arm in the playoff match with KimmoPennanen, when he tripped during the tennis match and fell so unfortunately. "All of us wish him a fast recovery and a comeback soon", Weigl sends wishes in the name of all participants. The other Fin in Antalya Seppo Raiski won his first Seniors (+45) tournament, with a victory over Nedim Akilveren, the Turkish Racketlon president. Thanks to Mert ErenHalis and Aynur Mutlu, there were also two home victories to celebrate for the Turks. The closest final of the weekend was men b, where Hungarian Andras Nemeth needed 11 points in Tennis for gummiarm, but German Andreas Escherwas able to finish the match at 21-10. Newcomer Patrick Gredinger, a football player, won the u13 draw in a final against the hotel presidents son Uygar Dayioglu.

Only but one Non-European World Tour event

The participants from 7 countries including over 10 completely new Turkish players saw improved court conditions compared to last year. The light at Tabletennis and Badminton was adequate this time and the Squash centre court was grinded before the event and not slippery at all this time. The tennis hard courts are one of the best on the FIR World Tour anyhow. “Although the conditions were still not perfect, I appreciate very much the concept with all-inclusive drinks and food the whole weekend. They should do that at other tournaments too”, says winner Hampl. Not to forget the gala dinner, the hospitality and friendliness of the organisation team around Tournament Director ErsoyKorer, Co-Director Emre Ak, Head Referee Dolunay Soykan and Hospitality Manager Bilgehan Bakircioglu was outstanding. “They made the best out of the possible conditions and not forgetting it is the only tournament except Canadian Open on the FIR World Tour not in Europe, I strongly recommend IWT status for 2017,” says FIR Delegate Marcel Weigl.




SATUM Czech Open

Last weekend in Prague at the SATUM Czech Open Esther und Florian Dübendorfer, Graham King, Christian Schäfer and Michael Strässle were the people on whom Swiss hopes were pinned.

Our Swiss number one, Schäfer, unfortunately wasn’t able to beat Alex Du Noyer from England in the first round of the elite category. But after a delicious plate of spaghetti at the best Italian restaurant in the whole city of Prague he couldn’t be stopped by local player Matej Dohnal in his first consolation match, despite going into badminton with a -19 deficit! Due to a lack of power after already seven other matches, Schäfer couldn’t really challenge the strong German badminton player Cornelius Rademacher in his last singles match.

Esther Dübendorfer, as the only woman Swiss player at the tournament, made it through as the winner of her round robin group to the finals (also played in a round robin) of the Women B draw. But local player Zuzana Severinova was a class of her own and won this category. The silver medal match against another Czech player, Lucie Hynkova, was a real thriller though. Dübendorfer had a great comeback in her main sport squash and played an amazing tennis match. In the end, there was only one single point missing for silver! But Dübendorfer had her revenge and won silver in the Women +45 category.

Graham King teamed up with Brit Neil Rayner to sweep aside all three opponent pairs and win gold in the Seniors +55 doubles. In seniors singles, he had his standard program playing in two categories, the +40 and +50 draws, and was very keen on getting back on the medal-winning track. Unfortunately, various strong eastern European players were as keen as he was on winning medals. In the end, King was happy with a 5th and a 6th place (and a fair bit of exhaustion, after 10 matches in three days!).

Newcomer Florian Dübendorfer could finally be convinced to take part in a tournament as well. Without any pressure and in a very relaxed manner he stepped out on court. You could see that he enjoyed it. He could even trump his self-declared goal to never lose the joy by winning a match!

After two victories in a row (in Antwerpen and Nussloch) the successful doubles pair Schäfer/Strässle had to prove themselves on the next level. In Men A elite doubles there is another level of opponents. They first had to face later winners Dickert/Windischberger in the 1st round. Schäfer/Strässle did very well! We have to admit that they did very well in the first half of the table tennis set. After that the Austrian pair demonstrated why they were number one seeded. Our Swiss pair was a bit unlucky in the next and very close match. After the match analysis they came to the conclusion that their nerves have to become stronger, especially at the end, in tennis. And they improved right away in the following match against the English pair, Barnes/Du Noyer. The situation was clear before tennis: The two English were not allowed to win more than 7 points. The pressure was enormous! And the nerves of the Swiss pair as strong as steel! Needless to say that they won with a final by plus one! :-)

Perfektes Racketlonwetter für Kriens

Wird uns der Böögg am diesjährigen Sechseläuten einen schönen Sommer vorhersagen oder nicht? Wir werden es in Kürze wissen...

Die Wetterprognose für kommenden Samstag jedoch kennen wir bereits und die sagt perfektes Racketlonwetter für Kriens voraus. 11°C und leichte Regenschauer - ideal für Racketlon, nicht?! Für alle Spätentschlossenen gibt es noch einige freie Plätze...

Meldeschluss ist am 19. April 2016 um 22.00 Uhr. Hier geht's zur Anmeldung.



Swiss Racketlon Night Tour 2024

SRNT 2024 Plakat

FSR-Rankings courants (1er novembre 2020)

1. Benjamin Gränicher
2. Cédric Junillon
3. Patrick Casanova-Lorenz
4. Christian Schäfer
5. Yannic Andrey
6. Nicolas Lenggenhager
7. Magnus Ekstrand
8. Michael Strässle
9. Nico Hobi
10. Niki Schärrer

1. Nicole Eisler
2. Valeria Pelosini
3. Adeline Kilchenmann

Les rankings actuels vous trouvez ici.