Sweltering heat at Latvian Open
24 Juillet 2018
A couple of brave Swiss souls have been to the third Latvian Open in Riga. Medals for Swiss? Not really. But with half of the games won, that was already a success for the seniors Marc-André Rauber and the non wastable Graham King. And as the Latvians had no cooling system, squash was quite hotly to play! But the playing conditions were excellent nevertheless and the tournament was well organised; Zigmars took care of everything (even of a win for Marc after a 21-3 handicap after table tennis in the +50 category). Manfred Grab, who joind the small Swiss delegation from Kloten on Thursday, unfortunately had to quit playing after the matches on Friday due to a foot injury (so no more doubles with Graham on Saturday). Graham and Marc stayed at a hotel just 200 meters away from the sports venue, that was perfect.
Graham and Marc had registered for 3 categories each, Graham had to play 9 games (1 not played because of Manfred's injury, 1 forfeited as Graham was already at the airport at the time, and 1 ended during the badminton warm-up after his opponent Kimmo Pentanen from Finland retired with injury as well - just demonstrating once again how dangerous Graham can be on court! - 3 other games won and lost respectively), Marc played 9 games this weekend (winning 4 of them).
The Latvian Open will be back next July. Put it on your calendar as highly recommended!
Marc-André Rauber

Tournois prochains
FSR-Rankings courants (1er novembre 2020)
1. Benjamin Gränicher
2. Cédric Junillon
3. Patrick Casanova-Lorenz
4. Christian Schäfer
5. Yannic Andrey
6. Nicolas Lenggenhager
7. Magnus Ekstrand
8. Michael Strässle
9. Nico Hobi
10. Niki Schärrer
1. Nicole Eisler
2. Valeria Pelosini
3. Adeline Kilchenmann
Les rankings actuels vous trouvez ici.