World Championships have begun

The wait is over! Today the WC starts with the team competition for juniors and seniors. Switzerland will be at the start with a Juniors Team U16 and a Men Seniors Team +55.

The Swiss Racketlon Federation wishes all Swiss players good luck and of course a lot of fun.

We will keep our fingers crossed and follow the matches live on:

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Fixtures and Results

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FSR-Rankings courants (1er novembre 2020)

1. Benjamin Gränicher
2. Cédric Junillon
3. Patrick Casanova-Lorenz
4. Christian Schäfer
5. Yannic Andrey
6. Nicolas Lenggenhager
7. Magnus Ekstrand
8. Michael Strässle
9. Nico Hobi
10. Niki Schärrer

1. Nicole Eisler
2. Valeria Pelosini
3. Adeline Kilchenmann

Les rankings actuels vous trouvez ici.