Triple for Patrick Lorenz
03. Juli 2017
Report from The Racketlon Swiss Open is history. Last weekend (23rd to 25th June) the players fought in 263 matches for the medals. The great winners are Patrick Lorenz taking the title for the hosting country Switzerland and German Astrid Reimer-Kern. Congratulations. All results are now online on and pictures on
In the women's final Astrid Reimer-Kern won 9 points ahead over top seeded Nicole Eisler from Switzerland and secured her first Swiss Open title. Also the men Elite got a first time Swiss Open Champ. The final was pretty close and Patrick Lorenz won with only one point over (also) top seeded Kresten Hougaard. Lorenz therewith won his first IWT title. The third place went to French Cédric Junillon with a victory over Emanuel Schöpf from Autria.
Men B´s winner is Luka Penttinen from Finland who also won the Juniors U21 category. In Men C, D and E as well as in Women B and C all gold medals went to the hosting country with Mirco Lareida, Marc Fust, Stefan Goll, Adeline Kilchenmann and Gina Bärlocher taking the titles.
With Esther Dübendorfer winning the Women +40 category also one of the senior titles went to Switzerland. The Seniors +40 was won by German Joachim Gersdorf and +45 by Peter Sákovics from Hungary.
In the double categories Patrick Lorenz stood on the top of the podium for another two times. He won the Men A double with Michael Strässle and the Mixed A with Nicole Eisler, both also from Switzerland. Also Nicole Eisler could take another title by winning the Women´s double with Dara Ladner.
We hope all of you enjoyed your time in Zurich!
Esther Dübendorfer
Tournament Director
Swiss Racketlon Partner

Aktuelle Rankings (1. März 2025)
Herren Einzel
1. Nicolas Lenggenhager
2. Oliver Bühler
3. Christian Schäfer
4. Yannic Andrey
5. Noah Mamié
6. Joshua Zeoli
7. Cyril Hohl
8. Léon Mamié
9. Raphael Paglia
10. Nico Hobi
Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Linda Rohrer
5. Adeline Kilchenmann
Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.