
IWT Latvian Open

A small but fine Swiss delegation competed in Racketlon in Riga. Unfortunately, Giovanni Gentile and Manfred Grab had to cancel at short notice and could not be there. Michael Strässle and Christian Schäfer could get a third place in the strong doubles B. However, the second player was not always sure whether he was playing against two or three players.

Graham King had trained tennis a lot in the last three months and was able to win the starting match against Vadims Culka. Christian was able to win his first O40 tournament, but should not get too cocky about it as he was the youngest competitor in the field. Michael secured the second place in the men's B in a round robin tournament. Too bad he had his strongest opponent right in the first match. Who knows what else would have been possible?

In Men Elite, Oliver Bühler managed to get another podium place. Unfortunately, he lost his third final on the tour against a very strong Leon Griffiths but was able to bite off the current Swiss champion in the semifinals thanks to a 20:17 catch-up in table tennis and very solid badminton.

Christian lost the match for 3rd place against Luke Griffiths. The latter almost took himself out of the match at the score of 1:6 when he unsuccessfully run for a ball. After he slipped, he hit his head into the tin and then lay down for a few minutes. However, he was able to recover and win the game for himself.

Michael was allowed to choose a restaurant in Riga on Sunday evening. Unfortunately the choice was so bad that Oliver could not digest his pizza even after 5 days. In the sense, get well soon and next time better again pizza "without nothing"!


IWT Swiss Open

For the last time the Swiss Open was held at the Vitis in Schlieren and there was a lot of sweating.

The team of volunteers around Esther and Florian Dübendorfer had already set up the table tennis courts on Thursday and hoisted the 11 flags of the different countries of origin of all players. Thanks already at this point for the professional set up once again.

On Friday the tournament started with the doubles categories and our Swiss players were often seen on the podium. The first medals were awarded in the women's doubles A and there was a well-known Swiss player on the top of the podium. In a thrilling final Nicole Eisler and Stine Jacobsen from Denmark won against the top seed Enmer/Olsacher.

Also in the men's doubles A there was a Swiss on the podium. Nicolas Lenggenhager formed a team with Damien Andre from France. Unfortunately, they were defeated in the final by the German duo Plettenberg/Rademacher.

In the mixed, the two Swiss doubles medalists then met in the bronze medal match. Eisler - for the 1st time - with Noah Mamié got the better start; however, Lenggenhager together with Mirjam Enmer (FRA) were able to shift gears towards the end of the squash match and still turn the match in their favor.

Other Swiss doubles medals went to:


  • Victoria Dübendorfer (Women B und Mixed C)
  • Esther Dübendorfer (Mixed B)
  • Bruno Scherrer (Mixed C)
  • Frederik Floether (Men B)
  • Andreas Kotala (Men C/D)
  • Lucas Mateo Moreno (Men C/D)
  • Noah Lehmann (First Timers)


  • Esther Dübendorfer (Women B)
  • Julietta Dübendorfer (Women B)
  • Dara Ladner (Mixed B)
  • Claire Musso (Mixed C)
  • Jonathan Peter (First Timer)
  • Robin Peter (First Timer)


  • Léon Mamié (Men B)
  • Julien Meister (Men B)
  • Mara Senn (Mixed C)
  • Denis Bernhard (Mixed C)
  • Marc-André Rauber (Men C/D)
  • Chris Stäubli (Men C/D)
  • Julia Biller (First Timer)
  • Moritz Hausweiler (First Timer)

Also in the singles, many Swiss players could once again use the home advantage and showed tough fights. In the men's A competition, the draw was so unlucky that all 5 Swiss players in the top half of the tableau met sooner or later, provided they were not stopped beforehand by the eventual winner Martin Sopko from the Czech Republic. Oliver Bühler made it to the semi-finals as the most successful Swiss player. However, his opponent had to give up the match for 3rd place already before the match.

In the women's A/B competition, unfortunately none of the 3 players made it to the 2nd round. For the first time, the up-and-coming talent from France Myriam Enmer won.

Frederik Floether already showed in the doubles that he is in top form and so he also played his way into the final in the men's B singles. With last forces and only one point advantage he could secure a second gold medal.

Also with only one point advantage (Gummiarm) another Swiss could be crowned the winner in the men's C competition: Pablo Jakobcic kept his nerves until the end! Third place went to table tennis specialist Denis Bernhard.

The men's +40 competition continued with close matches. Christian Schäfer and Nico Hobi also separated in the semifinals with only one point difference. Unfortunately, Hobi was not able to win the final against Sopko (also winner men's A). However, Schäfer secured the 3rd place in the small final.

The pool of 5 players in men's D was purely Swiss. Simon Wachter won in front of the great talent Andreas Kotala and Andreas Stoss. Kotala also secured gold in the Junior U16. Silver went to the other young Swiss talent Lucas Moreno.

New names on the podium in the First Timers' category: 1st Lucas Wild, 2nd Dominik Sonderegger and 3rd Jonathan Frei. Hopefully you will read these names again in connection with medals in the future.

Finally, one more medal may be celebrated in particular: Esther Dübendorfer had to play only 9 points of tennis in the whole tournament for her victory in the Women Seniors +50. This besides the whole tournament organization! THANK YOU.

Congratulations to all winners!



Racketlon Interclub 2022 Spielpläne online

Nach einer kurzen Sommerpause und mit den Racketlon Swiss Open in den Gelenken, geht es bereits an den nächsten Racketlon-Grossanlass. Am Samstag, 2. Juli, werden die Racketlonteams am ersten Spieltag der diesjährigen Racketlon Interclub-Meisterschaft wieder um jeden Punkt fighten.

NLA - Wer wird sich die beste Ausgangslage für die Rückrunde am 3. September in Kriens verschaffen? Der amtierende Schweizer Meister aus Lausanne oder doch sein "kleiner" Bruder, der dieses Jahr neu als RC Fribourg ins Rennen geht? Werden sich die Ostschweizer Racketlethen des Go for 4, welche letztes Jahr den Aufstieg in die höchste Spielklasse schafften, ganz vorne einreihen? Und was können wir vom NLA-Neuling aus Basel, der ebenfalls mit einem starken Team aufwarten wird, erwarten? 

NLB - In der NLB dürfte Rapid Luzern zu den Favoriten gehören. Wird dem Absteiger der letztjährigen Saison der Aufstieg gelingen? Die Zeichen stehen auch für das Westschweizer Team aus Yverdon ganz gut, wird es dieses Jahr doch zwei Direktaufsteiger aus der NLB geben. 

1. Liga: Mit gleich vier Teams aus der Romandie ist die erste Liga auch dieses Jahr wieder fest in der Hand der Clubs aus Lausanne und Fribourg. Schaffen sie auch den Sprung in die NLB?

Wer noch ein Plätzchen in einem Team sucht, soll sich unter  Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! JavaScript muss aktiviert werden, damit sie angezeigt werden kann.  melden.

Bis bald in Marin!

Swiss Racketlon

Racketlon Swiss Open 2022 - Noch 1 Woche bis Anmeldeschluss!

Wir sind bereit!

Noch hast Du eine Woche, Dich für das diesjährige Racketlon Swiss Open im Vitis SportCenter anzumelden. Deine Teilnahme auf nächstes Jahr zu schieben könnte riskant sein - ist es doch leider fast sicher die letzte Ausgabe eines Racketlon Swiss Open im Vitis SportCenter in Schlieren. Aktuell haben wir bereits über 60 Anmeldungen aus 12 Ländern. 

Also nichts wie los, melde Dich an und sei ein Teil der Geschichte. Gespielt wird vom 24. - 26. Juni 2022 und wir freuen uns auf Euch und drei tolle und spannende Tage.

Folgende Kategorien stehen im Angebot:

Einzel: Elite, Advanced, Amateur, Beginners, First Timers, Senioren und Junioren.

Doppel: Elite, Amateur, Beginner, First Timer und Senioren. 


Was Du über das Swiss Open 2022 wissen musst?

Neu brauchen in diesem Jahr alle Spielerinnen und Spieler, welche in der Schweiz wohnen, neben der FIR Lizenz eine Lizenz von der Swiss Racketlon Federation. Ist keine solche Lizenz vorhanden, kann für das Swiss Open eine Tageslizenz für Fr. 12.- gelöst werden. Ausgenommen von dieser Regelung sind die First Timer und die u11 und u13 Kategorien.

Auch dieses Jahr dürfen Kids gratis in den u11 und u13 Kategorien mitspielen. Die Spiele finden am Samstag 25. Juni 2022 statt. So können die Kleinsten ganz ungezwungen Racketlon-Luft schnuppern. Also nichts wie los, bringt Eure Kind und Kindeskinder mit (selbstverständlich fehlen auch die u16 und u21 Kategorien nicht).

Das First Timer Doppel hat sich bewährt und wir führen diese Kategorie weiter. Diese wird wie alle Doppel-Kategorien am Freitag 24. Juni 2022 gespielt.

Und zu guter Letzt - auch im 2022 gibt es als Trophäen wiederum die beliebten Schweizer Glocken.


Bis bald am Racketlon Swiss Open 2022!

Swiss Racketlon Partner

Upcoming Event

Racketlon Night Tour

Samstag, 28. September 2024

Zur Anmeldung (bis 24. September)

SRNT 2024 Plakat

    16    Doppelturnier Marin
  Nov      Anmeldung gemäss Flyer
2024.11.16 Racketlon Open Marin Doubles Flyer 1

Swiss Racketlon Night Tour 2024

SRNT 2024 Plakat

Aktuelle Rankings (1. September 2024)

Herren Einzel
1. Oliver Bühler
2. Christian Schäfer
3. Nicolas Lenggenhager
4. Noah Mamié
5. Joshua Zeoli
6. Nico Hobi
7. Yannic Andrey
8. Léon Mamié
9. Cédric Junillon
10. Patrick Casanova

Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Adeline Kilchenmann
5. Esther Dübendorfer

Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.