
IWT French Open

This weekend, the 1st international tournament of this year took place and Swiss delegation of

8 players travelled to Paris Montreuil to compete. When they returned, they not only had a bunch of sweaty shirts in their luggage, but also 5 medals!


Traditionally, the tournament started with the doubles competition. Nicolas Lenggenhager,

who recently reached the top 10 in the world singles rankings, played for the first time in

Mixed A with Nicole Eisler. In their first match, everything went according to plan. In the

final against the pair from the host country (Myriam Enmer and Damian André) the opposite

was unfortunately the case. However, they were happy to win silver on their joint debut.


Lenggenhager then also took bronze in the men's doubles together with Matthew Davidson

from England. This in a close match against the two Frenchmen Laurent Cocriamont and

Anthony Duthuillé.


The other pairs with Swiss participation unfortunately did not get beyond the preliminary

round matches.


In the singles, the Swiss delegation picked up three medals - three times bronze. Nicole Eisler

showed a good tournament and was not far away from the winner Anna-Klara Ahlmer from

Sweden with -9. In the small final against elite newcomer Aurélie Haurant from France,

however, Eisler left nothing to be desired.


Youngster Lucas Mateo Moreno followed suit and also won bronze in the Junior U16 by a

large margin. Graham King also showed an extremely solid game in the Seniors +50 small final. Congratulations to both for bronze.


In the Men's elite, there were 2 Swiss players at the start. Oliver Bühler and Nicolas

Lenggenhager both won their first match in the 16-player tableau; however, they lost their

2nd match and consequently met in the match for 7th and 8th place. An exciting match:

Bühler could have won table tennis after getting to 20-all, but too many unforced errors scuppered that. Lenggenhager was able to capitalise on his badminton strengths to extend his lead; and again in squash. Now Lenggenhager needed just 5 points in tennis - which is not the easiest task against tennis specialist Bühler. Bühler made a solid start without any mistakes. As time went on, however, a few small errors crept in, which led to points and victory for Lenggenhager.


Manfred Grab (Men B), Valentin Henin (Men C) and Benoit Truc (Men D) also recorded

victories in their tableaux.


A successful weekend with fair games, smiling faces, exciting matches, peaceful dancing, sweating people and good conversations in all languages. Pure Racketlon!




Liebe Racketlon Spielerinnen und Spieler


Wir hoffen, ihr seid alle schwungvoll im neuen Jahr angekommen! Wir haben fĂŒr euch auch dieses Jahr wieder eine attraktive Night Tour Serie zusammengestellt und bereits in einer Woche macht die Tour halt im Rheintal. Es hat noch letzte freie PlĂ€tze fĂŒr das Turnier in AltstĂ€tten. Am besten also gerade jetzt anmelden und den Neujahrsschwung mitnehmen! 

Im Vitalis Sports Center gilt die 2G+ Regel.


Auf ein verletzungsfreies und gesundes neues Jahr! Wir freuen uns auf spannende Partien, viel Schweiss und fröhliches Beisammensein! 

Swiss Championships

Was fĂŒr ein grandioser Saisonabschluss!


Herzliche Gratulation nochmals an die frisch gekĂŒrten Schweizer MeisterInnen:

Elite Herren:

SCHWEIZER MEISTER: Christian SchĂ€fer   // ZWEITER: Yannic Andrey   // DRITTER: Nicolas Lenggenhager


Elite Damen:

SCHWEIZER MEISTERIN: Fabienne Dony  // ZWEITE: Nicole Eisler   // DRITTE: GaĂ«lle Wavre


Junioren U15:

SCHWEIZER MEISTER: Justin Lenders  // ZWEITER: Nils Morgenthaler   // DRITTER: Andreas Kotala


Jungsenioren Ü45:

SCHWEIZER MEISTER: AndrĂ© Bandi  // ZWEITER: Magnus Ekstrand   // DRITTER: Roland Schmid


Jungsenioren Ü55:

SCHWEIZER MEISTER: Giovanni Gentile  // ZWEITER: Bernhard Hodler   // DRITTER: Marc-AndrĂ© Rauber


Gratulation auch nochmals an die Gewinner der Night Tour:

Herren Kat. A:

SIEGER: LĂ©on MamiĂ©   // ZWEITER: Erich KĂ€lin   // DRITTE: Simon Honegger


Herren Kat. B:

SIEGER: Chris Tröndle  // ZWEITER: Valentin Henin   // DRITTER: Reto Eisenegger


Herren Kat. C:

SIEGER: Jonathan Schoeffel  // ZWEITER: Andreas Kotala   // DRITTER: Philippe Gmuer


Herren Kat. D:

SIEGER: Lukas Aepli  // ZWEITER: Jean-Daniel Andrey   // DRITTER: Benjamin Hirschi


Die kompletten Resultate findet Ihr wie ĂŒblich auf unserer Webseite unter (fĂŒr die Schweizer Meisterschaften) respektive unterĂŒr die Night Tour).


Die Swiss Racketlon Federadtion wĂŒnscht allen frohe Festtage sowie einen guten Rutsch ins 2022! Möge Euch dieses GlĂŒck und gute Gesundheit bescheren! Und natĂŒrlich auch genĂŒgend Zeit und Energie fĂŒr viele weitere Racketlon-Turniere




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Herren Elite

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Damen Elite

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Junioren U15

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Herren +45

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Herren +55

Czech Open & Doubles World Championships

Last weekend, 12 Swiss players made their way to Prague to compete in the Doubles World Championships as well as the Czech Open. The weekend started out with the Doubles WCs where some Swiss players were quite successful.

In the Women’s B doubles GaĂ«lle Wavre teamed up with Dara Ladner. They played a solid tournament together that led them into the final, unfortunately they just fell short in the final that was played (too) early in the morning.

In the Senior 65+ Doubles Graham King won a silver medal with his British partner Julian Clapp only losing out to some well playing Danes.

Another Swiss success happened in the 40+ Doubles where Christian SchÀfer/ Manfred Grab managed to grab a bronze medal after two hard fought losses in their group of 4.

In the Mixed B doubles with the number one and two seeds being two all Swiss pairs one could have only hoped for an all Swiss final. With Dara Ladner/ Beat Ladner and Gaëlle Wavre/ Nicolas Lenggenhager putting on some strong performances, both pairs managed to reach the final and make it a Swiss affair. Wavre/ Lenggenhager played a strong final and deservedly so won the title against Ladner/Ladner.

Some of the Swiss players started into the Czech Open with the hopes of doing better than the days before. With 3 players playing in the Men’s A draw it was very unfortunate that two of them already met in the first round with Nicolas Lenggenhager winning against Christian SchĂ€fer. Nicolas Lenggenhager had quite a run and was only stopped by Leon Griffiths in the semifinals. After losing that semifinal he had to suffer another loss against Martin Sopko who earlier won against Oliver BĂŒhler in the quarter finals.

In the Men’s B we came close to be treated with yet another Swiss final, but after winning his quarterfinal against fellow Swiss Leon MamiĂ©, Michael StrĂ€ssle took the short straw in a tightly competed semifinal. Noah MamiĂ© on the other hand showed some brilliant performances that not only led him straight into the final but taking the title as well.

To draw a final conclusion of this weekend, the Swiss team managed to win 2x Gold medals, 3x Silver medals and 1x Bronze medal. Therefore, a big congrats to all medal winners and hopefully everyone was able to enjoy themselves playing there!


Swiss Racketlon Partner

Swiss Racketlon Night Tour 2024

SRNT 2024 Plakat

Aktuelle Rankings (1. Juli 2024)

Herren Einzel
1. Christian SchĂ€fer
2. Noah MamiĂ©
3. Nicolas Lenggenhager
4. Oliver BĂŒhler
5. Nico Hobi
6. CĂ©dric Junillon
7. Yannic Andrey
8. Léon Mamié
9. Patrick Casanova
10. Magnus Ekstrand

Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Adeline Kilchenmann
5. Gaëlle Wavre

Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.