
SATUM Czech Open

Last weekend in Prague at the SATUM Czech Open Esther und Florian Dübendorfer, Graham King, Christian Schäfer and Michael Strässle were the people on whom Swiss hopes were pinned.

Our Swiss number one, Schäfer, unfortunately wasn’t able to beat Alex Du Noyer from England in the first round of the elite category. But after a delicious plate of spaghetti at the best Italian restaurant in the whole city of Prague he couldn’t be stopped by local player Matej Dohnal in his first consolation match, despite going into badminton with a -19 deficit! Due to a lack of power after already seven other matches, Schäfer couldn’t really challenge the strong German badminton player Cornelius Rademacher in his last singles match.

Esther Dübendorfer, as the only woman Swiss player at the tournament, made it through as the winner of her round robin group to the finals (also played in a round robin) of the Women B draw. But local player Zuzana Severinova was a class of her own and won this category. The silver medal match against another Czech player, Lucie Hynkova, was a real thriller though. Dübendorfer had a great comeback in her main sport squash and played an amazing tennis match. In the end, there was only one single point missing for silver! But Dübendorfer had her revenge and won silver in the Women +45 category.

Graham King teamed up with Brit Neil Rayner to sweep aside all three opponent pairs and win gold in the Seniors +55 doubles. In seniors singles, he had his standard program playing in two categories, the +40 and +50 draws, and was very keen on getting back on the medal-winning track. Unfortunately, various strong eastern European players were as keen as he was on winning medals. In the end, King was happy with a 5th and a 6th place (and a fair bit of exhaustion, after 10 matches in three days!).

Newcomer Florian Dübendorfer could finally be convinced to take part in a tournament as well. Without any pressure and in a very relaxed manner he stepped out on court. You could see that he enjoyed it. He could even trump his self-declared goal to never lose the joy by winning a match!

After two victories in a row (in Antwerpen and Nussloch) the successful doubles pair Schäfer/Strässle had to prove themselves on the next level. In Men A elite doubles there is another level of opponents. They first had to face later winners Dickert/Windischberger in the 1st round. Schäfer/Strässle did very well! We have to admit that they did very well in the first half of the table tennis set. After that the Austrian pair demonstrated why they were number one seeded. Our Swiss pair was a bit unlucky in the next and very close match. After the match analysis they came to the conclusion that their nerves have to become stronger, especially at the end, in tennis. And they improved right away in the following match against the English pair, Barnes/Du Noyer. The situation was clear before tennis: The two English were not allowed to win more than 7 points. The pressure was enormous! And the nerves of the Swiss pair as strong as steel! Needless to say that they won with a final by plus one! :-)

Perfektes Racketlonwetter für Kriens

Wird uns der Böögg am diesjährigen Sechseläuten einen schönen Sommer vorhersagen oder nicht? Wir werden es in Kürze wissen...

Die Wetterprognose für kommenden Samstag jedoch kennen wir bereits und die sagt perfektes Racketlonwetter für Kriens voraus. 11°C und leichte Regenschauer - ideal für Racketlon, nicht?! Für alle Spätentschlossenen gibt es noch einige freie Plätze...

Meldeschluss ist am 19. April 2016 um 22.00 Uhr. Hier geht's zur Anmeldung.


Strässle mit Sensation in Burgdorf

Eine Premiere und kleine Sensation schaffte der 21-jährige Michael Strässle mit seinem Sieg in der Kategorie Herren A. Mit jeweils souveränen Leistungen im Tennis konnte er seine Gegner, welche vor dem Tennis in Führung lagen, schliesslich doch noch bezwingen. Im Final gegen Lukas Spring resultierte nach dem klaren 21-8 im Tennis eine Differenz von 8 Punkten.

Eindrücklich zurück auf der Tour meldete sich nach einer Verletzungspause der Winterthurer Arno Graf. In der Kategorie Herren B musste er einzig in der ersten Runde gegen Julien Meister auf den Tennisplatz. Im Final gegen Marcel Fässler stand er mit einem Vorsprung von 25 Punkten bereits vor der letzten Disziplin als Sieger fest. Im Final der Kategorie Herren C standen sich Philipp Dätwyler und Laurent Duvoisin gegenüber. Nach einem harten Fight im Squash (22-20 für Dätwyler) fehlten Duvoisin die Kräfte, um das Match im Tennis zu drehen.

Die Herren Kategorie D mauserte sich zu einer Vereinsmeisterschaft des Racketlon Club Yverdon. Gleich drei RC Yverdon-Spieler standen in den Halbfinals und so erstaunt es nicht, dass diese Kategorie letztlich auch von einem RC Yverdon-Spieler entschieden wurde. Andrea Bellino setzte sich im Final gegen Zbigniew Strzepka mit 21-18/21-23/21-6/6-3 durch. Im Spiel um Platz 3 unterlag Wilfried Leguay knapp seinem Klubkameraden Yann Mansuy.

Die Übersicht mit den Resultaten in Burgdorf findet ihr wie üblich auf unserer Webseite unter Wettkampf -> Swiss Racketlon Night Tour 2016.

kom igen nu!

Only three Swiss players amongst around 99% of Swedish players participated in the Spring Open in Gothenburg last weekend. That’s why we could here far more “kom igen nu“ calls than “come on!“

Rookie Graham King just missed a bronze medal in the +45 category (like at the Tallinn Open two weeks ago) and ended fourth but proved himself to be back on track!

With Andreas Neuweiller we had another card up our sleeve: He won bronze together with his German partner Jörg Kanonenberg in the Men’s B Doubles draw.

In the country of racketlon’s birthplace badminton player Dustin Madadumpidi played his first ever racketlon tournament and he had a lof of fun on court and off court! 

swiss delegation swedish open

Swiss Racketlon Partner

Highlights 2024

Swiss Racketlon Schweizer

Samstag, 14. Dezember

SwissChampionships 2024 Flyer


FIR Racketlon World
Tour Race Finals 2024

Freitag/Samstag, 13./14. Dezember

Aktuelle Rankings (1. Dezember 2024)

Herren Einzel
1. Oliver Bühler
2. Nicolas Lenggenhager
3. Christian Schäfer
4. Yannic Andrey
5. Noah Mamié
6. Joshua Zeoli
7. Léon Mamié
8. Cyril Hohl
9. Magnus Ekstrand
10. Patrick Casanova

Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Adeline Kilchenmann
5. Linda Rohrer

Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.