
Triple for Patrick Lorenz

Report from The Racketlon Swiss Open is history. Last weekend (23rd to 25th June) the players fought in 263 matches for the medals. The great winners are Patrick Lorenz taking the title for the hosting country Switzerland and German Astrid Reimer-Kern. Congratulations. All results are now online on and pictures on

In the women's final Astrid Reimer-Kern won 9 points ahead over top seeded Nicole Eisler from Switzerland and secured her first Swiss Open title. Also the men Elite got a first time Swiss Open Champ. The final was pretty close and Patrick Lorenz won with only one point  over (also) top seeded Kresten Hougaard. Lorenz therewith won his first IWT title. The third place went to French Cédric Junillon with a victory over Emanuel Schöpf from Autria.

Men B´s winner is Luka Penttinen from Finland who also won the Juniors U21 category. In Men C, D and E as well as in Women B and C all gold medals went to the hosting country with Mirco Lareida, Marc Fust, Stefan Goll, Adeline Kilchenmann and Gina Bärlocher taking the titles.

With Esther Dübendorfer winning the Women +40 category also one of the senior titles went to Switzerland. The Seniors +40 was won by German Joachim Gersdorf and +45 by Peter Sákovics from Hungary.

In the double categories Patrick Lorenz stood on the top of the podium for another two times. He won the Men A double with Michael Strässle and the Mixed A with Nicole Eisler, both also from Switzerland. Also Nicole Eisler could take another title by winning the Women´s double with Dara Ladner.

We hope all of you enjoyed your time in Zurich!

Esther Dübendorfer
Tournament Director

«Ich mag Konstanz im Leben»

Nicole Eisler und Patrick Lorenz heissen die neuen Swiss Champions der Elite. Die Serienmeisterin Eisler erklärte ihren Erfolg kurz und bündig: «Ich mag Konstanz in meinem Leben.» :-) Ihre Gegnerinnen bekamen dies schmerzlich zu spüren beziehungsweise mussten jeweils schon nach dem Squash das Spielfeld verlassen. Deutlich knapper fiel dagegen der Kampf um Rang zwei aus. Stephanie Caviezel sicherte sich in ihrem zweiten Turnier nach der Babypause die Silbermedaille und zeigte, dass sie schon wieder nahe an ihrer alten Form ist. Die Bronzemedaille ging an die Ostschweizerin Tanja Omlin. 

Bei den Herren dominierte Patrick Lorenz beinahe ebenso klar wie Eisler. Die Lockerheit bei seinen Siegen vermittelte den Eindruck, dass er noch Luft nach oben hat. Ein erfolgreiches und zugleich erstaunliches Comeback auf der Tour feierte Olaf Huber, der nach einjähriger Pause gleich in den Final und zur Silbermedaille vorstiess. Dies vor allem dank einem erfolgreichen Gummiarm im Halbfinal gegen Benjamin Hampl, der sich dafür mit der Bronzemedaille trösten durfte.

Bei den Jungsenioren ging der Sieg zum ersten Mal an den topgesetzten Beat Ladner. Eine starke Leistung zeigte auch Adrian Waldis, die mit der Silbermedaille belohnt wurde. Altmeister Graham King ergänzte seine Trophäensammlung um Bronze. Einen Favoritensieg gab es ebenso bei den Amateuren, wo sich im Final Stefan Imhof gegen Kai Verkuehlen durchsetzte. Die Bronzemedaille liess sich Marcel Fässler umhängen. Den Junioren-Titel U18 sicherte sich Favorit Yannic Andrey gegen Leon Mamié. Im Final der Junioren U15 schlug Leonard Ladner den Newcomer Dylan Jaeggi.

Aus Vereinssicht durfte sich Racketlon Uetikon besonders über die Resultate an den Einzel-Schweizermeisterschaften freuen mit insgesamt vier Goldmedaillen (Imhof, Andrey, 2x Ladner). Die wichtigsten Titel gingen jedoch an 4 Rackets Rhine Valley (Eisler) und an die Freunde freundlicher Feuerrackets (Lorenz).

Herzliche Gratulation allen Siegern, den Medaillengewinnern und überhaupt allen Teilnehmern, die den Mut hatten, sich mit den Besten zu messen.


Beat Ladner


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Damen (v.l.n.r. Caviezel, Eisler, Omlin)


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Herren (v.l.n.r. Huber, Lorenz, Hampl)


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Junioren U15 (v.l.n.r. Jaeggi, Ladner)


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Junioren U18 (v.l.n.r. Andrey, Mamié)


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Jungsenioren (v.l.n.r. Waldis, Ladner, King)


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Herren B (v.l.n.r. Verkuehlen, Imhof, Fässler)


Don’t burn your fingers!

Already on their way to sunny Belgium to the legendary King of Rackets last weekend a Swiss player who don’t want to be named burnt his fingers on his coffee. An omen that it’s going to be hot in Oudenaarde and that players from other countries shouldn’t mess with the Swiss!

Especially, Esther Dübendorfer was on fire by winning 4 medals!!! She won in the women +40 (first time victory over Anita Voelkel), +45 (first time victory over Jo Shelley) and also in Women B Doubles pairing up with singles opponent Voelkel. And as if 3 golden medal were not enough, she also won bronze with Ulrich Schlepphorst in Mixed B Doubles.

Another gold medal was won by Julien Ming and Andrea Bellino in Men D/E doubles and bronze in the same category by Michel Gasser with his French partner Wilfred Leguay-Barrault.

Nicole Eisler and Margaux Ranjbar were another successfull Swiss-French pair. They won the bronze medal as well in the Women Doubles category.

And I’m sure that Marcel Fässler and Patrick Lorenz would have won bronze as well if they didn’t have to cancel their small final match due to an early flight.

Fortunately, as the Swiss delegation was quite big (as always at one of the best tournaments of the year), I don’t write about every single player. I just would like to mention that some of them were also quite on fire to hit the dancefloor! ;-) I even dare to say that it was absolutely world! J

kor swiss delegation

(The Swiss delegation)

It was obvious that they had to cool down from time to time with a delicous Belgium beer! ;-)

Nicole Eisler

English Open 2017

2 Swiss players – 2 Swiss titles – this is called efficiency! :-)

According to the organisers the tournament should have been one of the 3 biggest tournaments of the year. Unfortunately, not only many of the Swiss players missed it, but also hardly any players from other countries were there either. Nevertheless, 99 racket fanatics were fighting for different titles and that does not mean that there were just boring matches.

One of these fanatics was Nicolas Lenggenhager. He would had loved to compete in the elite category but he did not get one of the wildcards, which went to France and England instead. In the B draw he impressively proved himself to be the right candidate for a wildcard next time: He reached the finals without even having touched his tennis racket in the first two rounds. In the semi-final and the final it was a bit more interesting, but no-one was able to stop him from winning his title.

In Men’s A double, he paired up with the French Sylvain Ternon – another strong badminton player. Even though they only won their last match, they never really had opponents who were able to challenge them in badminton.

Esther Dübendorfer once again played with her partner from England, Jordan Dainty, in the Mixed doubles. Although they had to go through difficult phases in the finals, the pair successfully secured their 2nd title together after having won the Malta Open in autumn last year.

Dübendorfer also fought for gold in the +45 category. She had to be happy with silver in the end though, as Jo Shelley, with the home ground advantage, was just better on that day.

Apart from the two titles, the players’ party in the Bounce PingPong was another highlight of the weekend. The perfect combination of a restaurant, a bar and table tennis tables all at the same place – a dream of every Racketlon player.

Esther Dübendorfer

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(Esther Dübendorfer and Nicolas Lenggenhager)

Swiss Racketlon Partner


Aktuelle Rankings (1. Dezember 2024)

Herren Einzel
1. Oliver Bühler
2. Nicolas Lenggenhager
3. Christian Schäfer
4. Yannic Andrey
5. Noah Mamié
6. Joshua Zeoli
7. Léon Mamié
8. Cyril Hohl
9. Magnus Ekstrand
10. Patrick Casanova

Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Adeline Kilchenmann
5. Linda Rohrer

Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.