
IWT La Santa Open

Besides France and Great Britain, Switzerland was represented with the largest delegation in Lanzarote. A large part of the players has already arrived during the week to get used to the windy tennis and the other conditions in final training sessions or to prepare themselves optimally for the start of the tournament on Saturday with sauna sessions and osteophathy appointments.

Thanks to the mild temperatures and the sporting environment at the resort, the atmosphere was excellent. Or was it because of the participation record?

Although the international top elite was mostly missing, the tableaux were strong and balanced and offered some spectacle. Thanks to the exceptional location at Club La Santa, also some new faces found their way to Racketlon - for example the Swiss Alexander Kobler, who actually stayed in Lanzarote for marathon preparations.

The doubles and mixed categories started on Saturday with still a little bit wet outdoor tennis courts. Mixed B: Two of the three mixed teams with Swiss participation had to admit defeat already in the first round. Nicolas Champod (CH) and Flore Allègre (FR) won in their first round against an all Swiss team, but with their victory they won the first title with Swiss participation.

In the Senior Doubles category, the two table tennis giants Giovanni Gentile and Manfred Grab also secured the gold medal in the final against the French Matthieu Beurel-Diamant and Emeric Lardet (thanxs to a loud Swiss support?).

In the Women's Doubles category, both teams with Swiss participation had to admit defeat in the first round. Esther Dübendorfer (CH) with Laureline Tschanz as well as Amandine Souin (CH) with Aurélie Haurant could win the following placement matches.

In Men's Doubles B, none of the four teams could fight their way to the final. Giovanni and Manfred advanced to the quarterfinals, but then were defeated by the strong Swedes by 7 points.

In Mixed A there was another title to cheer for Switzerland: Nicolas Lenggenhager (CH) and Kirsten I. Kaptein won both their matches.

Animated by the good mood at the tournament, Sunday showed sunny from the beginning with the matches of the individual categories.

While the elite category of the ladies took place without Swiss participation and was won by the strong newcomer Flore Allègre (wildcard), in the ladies B both Esther Dübendorfer and Amandine Souin were able to play their way into the semi-finals. Due to injury, Esther unfortunately had to give the Swiss internal match for 3rd place w/o - but the third place for Amandine Souin and thus the next medal for Switzerland provided encouragement.

In the men's Elie A Nicolas Lenggenhager started the tournament as number 2 seed. With a win before tennis against the British Luke Barnes, he worked his way into the semi-finals, where he was defeated by Luke Griffiths. In the match for 3rd place, Nicolas and Sylvain Ternon played a top class game of badminton - unfortunately, this time the match went narrowly to the French friend. In the elite final the two favorites & brothers Leon and Luke Griffiths faced each other - and went already after squash in favor of Leon.

Also as the only Swiss Nicolas Champod competed in the 16-player tableaux of the men B. Motivated by his victory with partner Flore Allègre in the mixed, the table tennis specialist won the quarter singles final against number 1 seed David Bennet 21-3 / 21-19 / 11-21 / 12:18, proving that he is also at the top in the other disciplines.

The individual categories, which were briefly "interrupted" on Sunday because of the football World Championship final, entered the final phase on Sunday. While the mood of the French players was briefly subdued, the atmosphere at the Racketlon games of Sunday evening and Monday was unstoppably good. However, the good results of the previous days provided loud support especially for the Swiss games.

The biggest Swiss participation was in the men's C field: with Marc-André Rauber, Mounir Benheddi, Riccardo Raimo, Aswinn Yellepeddi, Alexander Kobler, Anthony Levasseurder (who this time competed under the French flag), Bruno Scherrer and the veteran Graham King, Switzerland provided 8 of the 23 players. In the Swiss quarter-final between Riccardo Raimo and Aswin Yellepeddi, Riccardo prevailed and entered his first men's C semi-final, but was then defeated by Isak Enström from Sweden. In the upper half of the tableau, Bruno Scherrer was able to fight his way to the final with close results. In an extremely windy tennis and under loud support he finally got his first tournament victory in the final against Isak Enström with 19 to 20 points in tennis.

Congratulations to all the Swiss medal winners! Time to relax and come back strong(er) again in 2023!



Racketlon Night Tour 2023

Die Swiss Racketlon Night Tour 2023 steht. Die Turnierdaten sind online und die Anmeldefenster werden wie üblich vier Wochen vor Meldeschluss öffnen. Tragt euch sämtliche Daten schon mal in Eure Kalender, damit ihr auch keines der tollen Night Tour Events verpassen werdet. Bevor wir die neue Saison mit frischem Elan in Angriff nehmen, haben wir uns alle aber eine kleine Auszeit verdient.

Ich wünsche euch und euren Liebsten im Namen von Swiss Racketlon ein frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!


Karim Hanna
Präsident Swiss Racketlon

Season ending thriller in Langnau

When in a Swiss championship tournament the eventual champion wins by just one point in the 1st round and the loser later finishes in last place, it is the ultimate proof of how close the field of players is. And when a gummiarm is added in the grande finale, the evening can't be beat for excitement. But now, one after the other:

In the first round, the Mamié brothers already caused some surprises. Léon challenged the later finalist Nico Hobi in extremis and the big coup was within reach with only one missing point. Noah, on the other hand, managed the exploit and was able to win against co-favorite Nicolas Lenggenhager thanks to a brilliant performance in badminton.

After that, it was youth versus experience. Christian Schäfer also had to show a strong performance to stop the up-and-coming Noah Mamié from reaching the final. At least it worked out with a win in the bronze medal match for the youth against Magnus Ekstrand, who failed in the 2nd round against Nico Hobi.

Consequently, Hobi and Schäfer faced each other in the final. Both wanted to take their chance for the title and fought with full commitment for every point. Hobi made the perfect start in table tennis and Schäfer fought back in badminton. The squash match then went back to Hobi, who now went into tennis with a +15 lead. It is well known that Schäfer can keep his opponents below 10 points. He was allowed a maximum of 6 points. It came as it had to come. Gummiarm. Schäfer served, Hobi returned longline to come to the net. Twice, Schäfer played back and looked for the gap. Twice, Hobi played the volley. Once into the field and once into the out. Schäfer's 4th title after 2010, 2015 and 2021 was secured and he was visibly relieved.

In the women's event it was also exciting. Adeline Kilchenmann and Nicole Eisler faced each other in the finals. Could Kilchenmann stop Eisler before winning the 9th title? Kilchenmann started solidly in table tennis and managed to win the 1st half. Eisler made a comeback in the 2nd half and still managed to win the match by a narrow margin. In badminton Kilchenmann played very strong as usual and made few mistakes. Eisler earned 13 points with all her strength. Kilchenmann also started well in squash and scored with many aggressive volleys and killshots. Eisler, however, found her way better and better into the game and with more precise balls into the corners ensured a lead before Tennis of 6 points. Both tried to bring a safe tennis to the rebound ace court and so it remained even at the beginning. In the 2nd half, Eisler gained more confidence and pulled away to take the 16 points and the 9th gold medal. Dara Ladner won bronze.

The Men's +55 also played for the Swiss champion title. Here, too, the players sweated, played fair and fought for every point. With two wins each already in the bag, Manfred Grab and Christian Nyffenegger entered the final. Former table tennis career against former badminton career. This was also visible in the results, although Nyffenegger won 10 points in table tennis. Unfortunately, he had to admit a defeat in squash and tennis and Manfred Grab won the title. Bronze was won by Michael Kolp against Giovanni Gentile.

Details of the Swiss Championships results.

Parallel to the Swiss Championships, a Night Tour event was played in 3 categories. The matches were just as exciting and top-class. However, if these matches were also described in such detail, the writer would not get any rest at all after the tournament.

Therefore here the ranking with the link to the results in detail:

Men Cat. A: WINNER: Frederik Floether // SECOND: Erich Kälin // THIRD: Danijel Batinic
Men Cat. B: WINNER: Severin Wirth // SECOND: Stefan Szymkiewicz // THIRD: Patrick Bürgi
Men Cat. C: WINNER: Yannik Haller // SECOND: Yves Sallin // THIRD: Simon Oberholzer


It was nice to see familiar and new faces at the start. The atmosphere was great and for the 53 players, 2 photographers and 1 tournament director the apéro afterwards was definitely very well deserved. A worthy end of the season with desire for the new season.

The Swiss Racketlon Federation thanks all players for their participation and wishes everyone a good recovery and happy holidays. See you in the new year with new gained strength and passion!


Kids-Camp im Sihlsports (2.-6. Januar 2023)

Spielst du lieber deinen Lieblingssport oder möchtest du etwas Neues ausprobieren? Neu kann man die Sportwoche als Ganztageskurs, nur am Morgen (Schwerpunkt Tennis oder Squash) oder nur am Nachmittag (Polysport) buchen. Du hast die Wahl.

Anmeldungen bitte online viaür-kinder-2.html.

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Sportwoche Jan 23 Flyer

Swiss Racketlon Partner

Aktuelle Rankings (1. März 2025)

Herren Einzel
1. Nicolas Lenggenhager
2. Oliver Bühler
3. Christian Schäfer
4. Yannic Andrey
5. Noah Mamié
6. Joshua Zeoli
7. Cyril Hohl
8. Léon Mamié
9. Raphael Paglia
10. Nico Hobi

Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Linda Rohrer
5. Adeline Kilchenmann

Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.