
Singles World Championships

15 Swiss Racketlon players traveled to Rotterdam for the 2nd edition of the Racketlon Singles and Team World Championships at the Victoria Squash & Tennis Center. Absent is Andreas Kotala, who had to stay at home due to appendicitis. This is particularly unfortunate as Andreas would have been the top favorite in the U16 category and was due to make his debut in the elite team.

Adeline Kilchenmann represented Switzerland in the women's elite. She won her opening match thanks to a clear 21:4 in badminton against Steph Chung (USA). In round 2, she then lost to last year’s world champion Nathalie Vogel (GER) and finished in 7th/8th place.

Nicole Eisler represented Switzerland in the senior women's +40 category for the first time and eliminated top seed Kirsten Kaptein (NED) from the tournament in the first round. In the semi-finals and final, the most successful Swiss racketlon player and new mother marched to the world championship title without any discussion or tennis. Bravo Nicole!

nicole eisler

In the men's elite, Noah Mamié and Nicolas Lenggenhager won their opening matches convincingly before being stopped in the round of 16 by Kresten Hougaard (DEN) and Jürg Kanonenberg (GER). In the subsequent placement matches, they both lost by wafer-thin margins and finish in 13th to 16th place. Kanonenberg eliminated Léon Mamié in round 1, who later finished in 25th to 28th place.

Due to the absence of Andreas Kotala, only Flavio Wolf is competing for Switzerland in the men's B event. He loses his first two matches against Li and Fung from Hong Kong before just managing to fend off last place against Krog (DEN).

Riccardo Raimo, Giovanni Gentile and Patrick Bürgi all won their opening matches in the men's C category. Gentile only fails in round 3, Raimo and Bürgi in round 2, while Marc-André-Rauber loses in round 1.

In the men's D category, Andreas Stooss wins his first-round match after a huge comeback in rubber-arm tennis. He is then defeated by Motasha from India in round 2.

In the First Timers, Nicole Eisler’s husband and new dad Rafael Fritschi can celebrate his first Racketlon victory after losing his opening match in the placement matches. Is this the start of a great career?

Switzerland is represented four times in the senior +55 category. Manfred Grab and Gregor Meyer were narrowly defeated by Janzer (HUN) in rounds 2 & 3. Giovanni Gentile fights his way through to round 3 in the other half of the tableau before losing to Lau (GBR). Marc-André-Rauber loses in round 1.

Record player Graham King represents Switzerland for the first time in the +70 seniors. He wins his group of 3 convincingly and is then only defeated by Hesselbjerg (DEN) in the medal fight. Congratulations to Graham on his well-deserved Vice World Champion title!

graham king


Bonne ambiance au Racketlon Open Villars

Le 2e tournoi de Villars-sur-Ollon organisé par le RC Léman s'est déroulé le samedi 1er juin 2024. 12 joueurs étaient répartis en 2 tableaux.

Tableau A

Danijel Batinic a réussi à tenir son rang de favori et termine à la 1ère place.

Valentin Henin prend la 2e place et le podium est complété par Kevin Gros.

Tableau B

Mathéo Grandchamp remporte le tournoi en battant Yann Leutwiler ! Les 2 joueurs U21 du RC Léman ont fait parler leur expérience du racketlon et ont montré leur progression. Une très belle finale serrée. La décision s'est certainement faite au badminton, sport dans lequel Leutwiler est favori. Grandchamp a réussi à l'emporter et le match a tourné.

L'habitué des tournois du RC Léman Cédric Besson prend la 3e place au détriment de Benoit Truc dans une belle petite finale.

Un grand bravo et merci à tous les participants pour la bonne ambiance et leur fair-play !


Joueurs et joueuses des quatre coins de la Suisse à Romanel

Des joueurs et joueuses venant des 4 coins de la Suisse se sont déplacés à Romanel pour participer à ce désormais traditionnel tournoi de printemps du RC Léman.

Un grand merci à toutes et tous pour leur participation et leur fair-play !

Tableau A - Pas de surprise

La logique a été parfaitement respectée dans le tableau A composé d'un groupe de 4 joueurs.

Les écarts de niveau étaient trop grands. Nicolas Lenggenhager (actuel 4e mondial) a remporté le tournoi sans sortir la raquette de tennis de son sac. Le Genevois a montré qu'il était toujours au-dessus de ses rivaux. 

Malgré la perte du set 21-19 au badminton, le jeune Andreas Kotala (Steinhausen) a réussi à dominer Flavio Wolf (Bâle) dans le match le plus serré de ce tableau. Le président du RC Léman Anthony Levavasseur prend la 4e place.

Tableau B - Un classique RC Léman vs Genève en finale

En demi-finale, Mounir Benheddi (Genève) s'est défait de justesse de Kevin Gros (Zürich). Il lui fallait 9pts au tennis pour gagner, score qu'il a atteint alors que son adversaire avait 19 !

L'autre demi-finale voyait s'affronter 2 joueurs du RC Léman : Jordan van Worden et Valentin Henin. Malgré un très bon squash de van Worden (21-6) qui prouve ses progrès dans cette discipline, c'est Henin qui l'emporte grâce à l'avance prise dans les 2 premiers sports (21-9 / 21-7).

En finale, c'est le co-organisateur du tournoi Valentin Henin (RC Léman) qui monte sur la plus haute marche du podium. Dans ce classique du tournoi de Romanel, Benheddi avait 1pt d'avance avant le tennis ; le gagnant du dernier set allait alors remporter le tournoi. Henin n'a pas tremblé et a remporté le tennis 21-7.

Scénario similaire pour la petite finale. Van Worden et Gros étaient à égalité parfaite avant le tennis. On a eu l'occasion de voir de très beaux échanges lors ce set remporté 21-14 Jordan van Worden. 

Tableau C - Un podium inédit

Dans un tableau C toujours intéressant, c'est l'habitué Mirsad Sarajlic qui monte sur la plus haute marche du podium ! Il bat en finale un nouveau joueur, Olivier Stryjski. Une opposition de style intéressante car Sarajlic est badiste et Stryjski pongiste même si ce dernier a une licence dans tous les sports à l'époque. La victoire est certainement dûe à une meilleure expérience du racketlon et au physique. Sarajlic a notamment su faire la différence en 2e partie du squash. 

La 3e place revient à Emilie Roux (Genève) qui a délivré un superbe match face à Etienne Droz en petite finale. Droz qui allait fêté ses 30 ans à minuit aurait certainement voulu monter sur le podium mais la Genevoise ne voulait pas se laisser faire. Après 3 premiers sports très serrés, Roux a montré sa supériorité au tennis en lâchant des coups de toute beauté. Un match référence sans aucun doute.


Czech Open Prague

A small delegation of 5 Swiss players consisting of Andreas Kotala, Beat Ladner, Bruno Scherrer, Graham King and Dara Ladner made their way to Prague to take part in the IWT Czech Open. The 5 players managed to bring 4 medals back to Switzerland, proving that even though the year is coming to an end, these players are still in form and aiming for the upcoming Swiss Nationals.

The first medal I want to talk about is the one won by our junior player Andreas Kotala. In the U16 draw, it looked like he was going to win a medal as the runner-up and number 1 seed. His Austrian nemesis Leonhard Prager seemed to be the only player with a chance against Kotala. However, Prager's defeat in the semi-finals meant that the match between the two did not take place. This meant that Kotala won the gold medal fairly easily, without even having to pick up a tennis racket.


The second Swiss medal was won by our very own Graham King. Once again he proved that whenever he plays in an international tournament he is likely to bring home a medal. This time he won bronze in the Seniors +55 category. One thing that can be said about this medal is that it was well deserved as Graham showed his best fighting spirit on the court.


The other two medals were won by the same player, Dara Ladner (or this writer who prefers to write about other people's successes). In the women's elite doubles, she teamed up with Kirsten Kaptein of the Netherlands. In a tricky final, which they had hoped to win before the tennis, as their Czech opponents are great tennis players, the Swiss/Dutch combination ended up needing 4 tennis points. With the determination to get those 4 points and the nerves of the Czechs, Ladner/Kaptein won the title. In the women's A singles, the two doubles partners had to face each other in the gold medal match. Kaptein comfortably won her first ever gold medal in the elite singles, while Ladner had to settle for silver. Not a bad result considering it was Ladner's first podium finish in the elite singles and she was playing the tournament with a minor injury. 


For the rest of the Swiss participants, as well as for the other categories in which the medallists played, there were no more medals to be won. Nevertheless, all the Swiss players gave a great performance and sometimes came close to winning a medal, but were just unlucky.

Link to check the results.

These players showed that they are ready for the rest of the year with the IWT Indian Open and the IWT La Santa Open coming up on the international tour. But as Swiss players, they are all trying to be as ready as possible for the Swiss Nationals and the year-end tournament in Langnau in a few weeks time.

Swiss Racketlon Partner

Aktuelle Rankings (1. März 2025)

Herren Einzel
1. Nicolas Lenggenhager
2. Oliver Bühler
3. Christian Schäfer
4. Yannic Andrey
5. Noah Mamié
6. Joshua Zeoli
7. Cyril Hohl
8. Léon Mamié
9. Raphael Paglia
10. Nico Hobi

Damen Einzel
1. Nathalie Vogel
2. Nicole Eisler
3. Fabienne Dony
4. Linda Rohrer
5. Adeline Kilchenmann

Die gesamten Rankings findet ihr hier.